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Email Writing Tips

Happy Friday, and welcome back to the QuickBooks Community! If you are new here, welcome! How often have you experienced miscommunication through email? Let me guess, at least once a week? MakeUseOf shared three tips on writing better emails, and I know this will be effective when communicating with other businesses or customers. Here is what they had to say:


Be Precise
During email communication, you want to be specific with what needs to be accomplished or what you are trying to convey to avoid miscommunication. An example mentioned was an interaction with an employee. Sending an employee a message saying, " this needs to be done by tomorrow" can mean many things to them. Instead, say, "I would like for ABC documents to be completed and sent by 3 pm tomorrow."


Structure Your Email Properly
Ensure that the subject line of your email is related to the message. We all receive many emails daily, and if you like me, I view ones that stand out. When composing the actual email, start with a greeting and continue with a formal format, especially with new clients or partners. Once you get to the closing, end with positivity or a call to action that will make others willing to respond. If the situation arises that a large attachment would need to be sent, to be more professional, use a file-sharing service and provide a link for them to review the document(s).


Edit and Proofread
It is important that you review your email before sending it. My English professor always suggested reading your paper out loud or printing and reading it out loud because our brains can sometimes "autocorrect" our work. With technology advances, there are tools such as Grammarly, Hemingway Editor, Microsoft Word, and other editing tools that will correct grammar mistakes, styles, and so forth to improve your documents.


With these tips, I'm sure your communication skills will take off, don't you think? Until next time, continue to be safe and be well, my Community friends.

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Email Writing Tips

where do you get blank paper to write a email

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