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Entrepreneurial Habits

Happy hump day to you! We're half-way through another work week, and I'm back to share another post with you. Today I want to talk about habits. I'll admit I have a bad habit of checking my phone a lot throughout the day, when really there's nothing new to see. A good habit I have adopted is doing a small load of laundry and/or small household chore daily to keep the tasks from piling up and getting overwhelming. Those actions don't really apply to what I'm going to share with you. But as business owners and entrepreneurs, I do think you'll want to start or continue the next few habits I'm about to mention...
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  1. Set goals. I think it's safe to say you're a "go-getter." How about a "goal-getter?" Successful entrepreneurs have the habit of setting and reaching goals.
  2. Use a planner. I used to buy cute little planners, maybe write a couple of appointments down, then totally forget about it. Nowadays, I use my planner for everything! Work schedules and tasks, various appointments for my whole family, weekend events, chores, and even meal planning. I'm sure this practice would be a useful one to any business owner.
  3. Get your mind right. Let's face it, a negative mindset won't get you anywhere fast. To reach success, you have to think success, and that comes from a positive state of mind.
  4. Get work done early. If you're familiar with my background and my writing, you know I'm from a small country town and I really like old sayings. I think there's a lot of truth to them though, so here's a couple for you: "The early bird gets the worm." and "Make hay while the sun shines." Get up and get going, friend!
  5. Prioritize time to work. This may sound obvious, but if you're your own boss, you still have to set aside specific time and days to work. The good thing is, it's totally up to you!
  6. No longer a hobby. Your now business may have been a hobby for a long time, but try to make a habit out of verbalizing that it is now a legitimate business.
  7. Never stop learning. You're never too old or experienced to stop learning. Successful entrepreneurs are constantly learning about their business.
  8. Eliminate distractions. Remember we mentioned prioritizing your work? That can be hard to do with a TV on, phone constantly ringing, or any other noisy background. See what a difference you notice in your work by getting rid of these distractions.
  9. Keep an eye on the competition. This isn't necessarily something to stress or worry about, but worth keeping in mind.
  10. Never give up. Your goals are achievable and no dream is too large, so keep on keeping on. You've got this!
These are just a few habits of successful entrepreneurs. What habits are you practicing to better your business and yourself? Or maybe you've learned a lot from a previous bad habit. Either way, in the spirit of upcoming resolutions, please feel free to share with us!
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