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Level 7

"Every time I encounter another owner of a business...we all have something to teach each other."

-- Ian Siegal, CEO ZipRecruiter.

What have *you* learned from another business owner? 


6 Comments 6
Level 6

"Every time I encounter another owner of a business...we all have something to teach each other."

One of my favorite tips from another business owner is to "serve from the overflow." Filling myself up first means I can give my best to my team and customers. I think of that often - especially when I'm depleted!!

Level 7

"Every time I encounter another owner of a business...we all have something to teach each other."

Such an inspiring tip @LeslieBarber! My dad is a small business owner, and he taught me the value of reliability, honesty and integrity. 

Level 7

"Every time I encounter another owner of a business...we all have something to teach each other."

My dad is the owner of our business, I think the most important things he has taught me is honesty, reliability, and timeliness (making the best use of time and getting things done on time)

Level 7

"Every time I encounter another owner of a business...we all have something to teach each other."

@jessbru99568 That's awesome that your dad is your role model, too. Do his wise words pop up in your head when you're at a crossroad and need to make a decision? :smileyhappy:

Level 7

"Every time I encounter another owner of a business...we all have something to teach each other."

Yes absolutely! 

Level 1

"Every time I encounter another owner of a business...we all have something to teach each other."

I find that when I do classes & trainings, I always leave plenty of time at the end of the presentation for people to talk, network and ask questions.  That's where the magic happens and we all learn something from each other.Work Together. Learn TogetherWork Together. Learn Together


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