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Foundations of a Successful Business

It's hump day and I'm back to share some great small business tactics to help you along your path to success. Today I want to talk about the foundations of a successful small business. Let's take a closer look...


  • Good product or service
One of the most fundamental aspects of a successful business is a good product or service that you can rely on.
  • Passion and drive
Next up is having passion and drive. If you aren't passionate and driven to work at your business it makes it difficult to be successful.
  • No shame
When you're a small business owner, YOU have to be your biggest advocate. Don't sell yourself short! For example, when you're asked what you do for a living, answer boldly with a response like "I own my own business." Not something like, "Oh I just work from home and make crafts."
  • A professional brand
Branding relays the legitimacy of your business. This is one area to not skimp on. Take this to the professionals to get the best results.
  • Portfolio and testimonials
Consumers love reviews. They love knowing other people have used your product or service and approve of it. Building your portfolio or past work and sharing testimonials is another stepping stone on your road to success.
There you have it! A few ideas to think about and to really help build your business on the best foundation possible. Let's hear from you. In your opinion, what are some other important points to building a successful small business?

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