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Growing with Social Media

"...Social media remains one of the fastest-growing and most important channels for small businesses everywhere, offering unmatched reach and potential compared to other marketing channels."

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Hello hello and happy Friday! Welcome back to another edition of the Business Discussion board. We all know that social media is hugely popular in today's day and age. We also know that the use of social media can be a very helpful tool for small businesses. With that in mind, today I wanted to share some points I read in an article from focusing on how small businesses can use social media to grow.

Embrace Video
Video marketing popularity is growing rapidly. Even with that being said, many businesses struggle with what content to include and how to relay it to their customers. Here are a few suggestions from the article about what to include in your videos:

  • Sort your blog content in order of most traffic and create videos around those topics.
  • Follow peers and/or competitors with Facebook Pages to Watch and create content based on popular topics.
  • Embrace exciting trends such as the emergence of Instagram Stories by creating fun, relatable Stories content.
As far as how to relay this communication; just about every social media platform that I know of offers a Live video function to chat and update your customers in real time. If for some reason there isn't a live option, you can always upload a prerecorded video. Additionally, as mentioned above, the Stories option is available to make short clips and highlight reels of a focused topic.

Boost Top-Performing Content
When you market your product or service on social media, you don't necessarily have to put in a ton of time and effort creating different variations of advertisements. You'll be able to see how well your audience is responding based on organic engagement numbers. "The way we like to think about it is that organic social media posting (traditional posting) is the perfect testing ground for effective Facebook and Instagram ads. In other words, you’re using organic reach to determine what posts you should put money behind." The article mentions a small business that shares their customer's videos that are sent in or they're tagged in as regular posts on their social media profiles. When the audience reacts particularly well to a certain video, the company actually uses that video directly in an ad for their business. This method is proven to be cost effective and overall successful.

Focus on Quality Content
At the end of the day, reaching a selling point through social media comes down to the actual content. It does you no good if no one sees or cares about your product, even if it's the latest and greatest thing on the market. "I like to think of quality content at the intersection of entertaining and educational. Edutainment = educational + entertaining." Further details from the article advise to listen to your customers, pay attention to trends within your industry, invest in the creative aspect of sharing content, and lastly - always be experimenting.

I hope these points spark some creativity to help you produce some "edutaining" posts! What tips to grow your business with social media would you add to the list? I'd love to hear from you, and as always stay safe!
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