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How to Prevent Burnout

Hello Community and Happy Friday! We did it, we really did it. :) Some weeks speed by and others feel like they’ve barely moved. Work piles up, little things slip through the cracks and before you know it, you’re behind. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when this happens but never fear! You know we always have your back here in the Community. I found an article from Fast Company to help us out today. Here are some tips and tricks when you’re dealing with too much work.


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This article starts by talking about “hell week” during Navy Seal training. Researchers found there were two types of people during this time: taskers and optimizers. Taskers take one job at a time and the goal is to complete that one and then deal with the rest. Optimizers looks at all of the tasks at one time and try to figure out how to approach each one. The question then became, who’s more like to drop out?


The optimizers made up a large majority of drop outs, hands down. Surprised? Looking at the big picture and trying to take everything in all at once was the key to them being overwhelmed and thinking they didn’t have what it takes to be successful. Taskers took one thing, accomplished it, rested. Another task, and then rest, rinse and repeat.


Now, we’re not all in training for the Navy SEALS (thank goodness) so how does this apply to business owners and workers? Breaking things into small tasks is an integral part of preventing burnout. We’ve all heard that word, especially with a lot of us working from home. Keeping your employees from feeling this way is so important because burnt out employees are 63% more like to use sick time and 2.6 times as likely to quit!


Want to read more about these tips? Check out the article here: 5 Secrets to dealing with too much work.


Moral of the story? Take it step by step and focus on one thing at a time. We got this, Community. Hope you all have a restful weekend!

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