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Improving Meeting Effectiveness

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Have you ever wondered if your employees are truly grasping what you're saying in a meeting? Let's be honest; we have all tuned out at some point despite our best intentions. Although we are going through times of uncertainty and using video conferencing more, your meetings can still be efficacious and high-energy. Here are a few thoughts I had about having productive sessions.


Encourage Open Discussion
Even though practicing or organizing the agenda for the meeting, this can cause you to be dominant and not leave room for input from the audience. Keep in mind that this forum is not only for you; it is for others. Getting all employees involved is essential because it can open up some issues or ideas that you can use to enhance your business more.


Having a Positive Attitude
Although you may not like the responsibility of hosting a meeting, you can portray that negative attitude. How would it look if you are trying to get your message across, such as achieving results or inspiring changes, yet your body language is the opposite? Employees can interpret this as you not caring as much, so why should they care as well. Therefore, try your best to be positive, despite the circumstances.


Summarize Main Points
When going into a meeting, ensure that your objectives are transparent. You don't want to cause confusion because of a lack of unpreparedness. Once organizing your thoughts and prioritizing your points, it would be practical to summarize each main point at the end of the discussion. This will be beneficial in case someone misses the point or didn't understand something, allowing room for open discussion.


What are some practices that you use to capture the attention of your employees?  Please share your thoughts or opinions. And as always, be safe, my community friends.

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