Welcome, everyone! Did you know that Pinterest has 459 million monthly active users worldwide, including 98 million in the United States? You might be saying, " Umm, okay, and why is this important?" Well, let me tell you! This is important because this is another market you can tap into if you haven't already! Christian Pollack from Entrepreneur shared 5 Pinterest marketing strategies to optimize your content. Here is what she had to say:

Set up
The writer's first step is to create a business account on Pinterest. Once that is made, enter as much information as you can, such as your mission statement, the availability of your products, etc., so potential customers can get to know more about your business.
Account Bio and Boards
With Pinterest, customers usually use keywords or phrases to assist them when browsing throughout the app. A great idea is to use your account bio and boards and add keywords relevant to the product you are selling and common enough that your target audience can easily find you.
When it comes to the action of creating your pins, be strategic and include links to your website or blog to drive more traffic. This way, the user will be able to see all that you have to offer. As the writer mentioned, the more high-quality pins, the higher the chance of getting discovered.
Razzle Dazzle
Once you add the links in the description of your pin, users should be directed back to your website. When they are, you don't want your website to be dull-looking or boring, right? Add eye-catch graphics or images to draw their attention in more! A tip suggested is to use vertical images more than horizontal ones because research shows that they perform better.
Do you currently use Pinterest for your business? If so, feel free to add your user name! I hope these tips can help enhance your business presence. Until then, continue to be safe and be well, my Community comrades.