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Overcoming the Slump

Hello Community friends! Do you ever feel like you're in a slump, rut, ditch (you get it)? I think life can just get so busy with the daily routine and one can easily be worn down. Maybe that's just how I've been feeling lately, but if you think that describes you too, I've got a few pointers of how to overcome that feeling.

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Accept that no journey is without twists and turns
Ahh, the rollercoaster of life, right? There are ups and downs and surprise turns all throughout. Accepting that life, as well as business ownership is going to come with a few plot twists along the way makes it a bit easier when they do show up.


Yes, really! Take a breather, close your eyes, and think about how great it's going to be when you start checking off your goals one by one. Let those feelings of joy motivate you and push your further.Start with positive energy
Wake up early, get yourself ready, have some coffee, practice some positive affirmations, and then tackle the day. Starting with positive energy first thing in the morning sets you up to have that same energy throughout the day.


Set a timer
I am all about setting timers. I'll literally set a timer for any and everything. While working on your to-do list, set the clock for an allotted amount of time, give the task at hand your all until the timer goes off, and then move on to something else!


Don't spend too much time on social media
It's addictive, trust me, I know! But social media can actually be very negative and draining which doesn't do much for motivation. Try to avoid the constant scroll by only checking your news feeds a couple times a day.


Change up the scenery
It's easy to feel stuck in a rut when nothing around you changes. This can be avoided by switching up your work space every so often. Also you can simple change the scenery by doing just that. Get outside for a while and get some fresh air before returning back to your work.


I hope you're not in a slump, but if you do find yourself there, I hope these tips will help you feel refreshed and give you some motivation to continue to be productive. How do you overcome the slump? We'd love to hear from you!

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