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Preventing Burnout


I think it’s safe to say that we all work hard for what we have. Day in and day out. Maybe 9:00-5:00, or 8:00-6:00, or maybe even sun-up to sun-down. With all of this hard work, it’s important to have goals set in place. If you don’t have a particular goal or achievement you’d like to meet, one can easily become burned out. You may even start thinking, “What’s the point?” As a small business owner, you certainly don’t want that. I don’t want that for you either, so, I’m sharing some points in an article I read about ways to prevent this burnout feeling:


  1. Create three clear, objective goals for the year.

Grab a notebook or planner, pencil, and maybe even a cup of coffee. Sit down and write down as many goals you can think of. These may be specifically for your business, but it’s ok if they’re personal goals too. Once you have a nice list, start prioritizing. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to create a system and rank the importance of these goals 1-10. You may even want to start a thread here on the Business Discussions page to see how others are approaching their objectives. However you’d like to do it, focus on the top three on your list for the year, then go out and crush them!


  1. Break the year down into bite size pieces.

This point lead me to think of one of my favorite YouTubers, Jordan Page. She advises to tackle projects with a JOB, or Just One Bite at a time. Looking at the entire “mountain” of a calendar year of tasks can be really overwhelming. Breaking your work down into smaller bites allows you to feel accomplished when you do reach a checkpoint, and motivated to keep going to the next one.


  1. Schedule vacation time.

Seriously! Even if you think this is out of the question, everybody needs a break. It’s extremely important to take the necessary time to relax and recharge your batteries. If you’re feeling rundown, who’s going to be the one to take care of your business? And that’s your baby! You have to take care of you, so you can then take care of everything else. Now, this vacation doesn’t have to be a two-weeker. Sometimes a weekend out of town is just what you need.


What keeps you motivated to keep moving forward? I encourage you to share what you incorporate in your daily grind to avoid that burnout feeling.

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