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The Importance of Social Proof

Happy Friday Community! Hope everyone had a productive week and can now look forward to the weekend.


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Now that Instagram has perfected its algorithm to figure me out, I’m constantly getting ads that are perfectly geared towards my interests. With so many companies trying to convince me to go with their product, where’s the number one place I go to help me decide? To the people! Well, to the company’s social media page. :)  That’s where I can see who has bought what and their thoughts on their purchase. Was that necklace really “high quality”? Did that face lotion really “dimmish fine lines and wrinkles”? Am I really about to buy another beauty product? (The answer is yes).


The importance of our peer’s opinions doesn’t stop at personal relationships. It flows right into social media. Our favorite bloggers/influencers are always suggesting products or services to buy, and the proof is in the numbers. According to Trustpilot’s The Psychology Behind Trust Signals: Why and How Social Proof Influences Consumers’ report, 66% of customers look at ratings before making online purchases. It’s hard to escape the fact that when you’re looking to grow your customer base.


This also applies to service-based industries too. Whenever I need recommendations for a plumber or most recently an appliance repair business, I go straight to my NextDoor app. Why? Because I can search for posts related to what I need specifically and see who people say is fairly priced, on time, and provide quality work.


I know it can feel like a lot to ask for reviews, but the value is there. One landscaping company gave me a small flyer when they were done and let me know that leaving a review on their Facebook page resulted in our technician getting a $5 tip! That motivated me enough to take the couple minutes to leave a review and mention our guy by name. There are a lot of creative ways to get people to leave their feedback while letting potential customers know how great you’re doing.


To read the full article, click this link: 66% of Customers Look for Social Proof Before Making Online Purchases.


While I have you, let everyone know what ideas you have for boosting your ratings online. What works best for your business?


Congratulations on making it through another week. Now, go cross those T’s and dot those I’s so that the weekend can begin!

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