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Time Management

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Hello, Quickbooks Community! How are you guys hanging in there? While talking with a good friend earlier today, we were discussing how can we manage our time better. This conversation planted the seed for the Business Discussion post  about Time Management. We both shared some ways how to develop this, and here are the top three.


Make a To-Do Lists.
First, at times procrastination can get the best of us. To try to combat that, make a to-do list before starting your work. In fact, I would go a step further to assign a time frame of when you would like to complete these tasks. Also, prioritize your responsibilities by order of importance; that way, you will be able to meet your deadlines.


Stay away from distraction.
Second, some may say to switch off your phone, turn off the tv, or set your devices on do not disturb, but let's be frank. We are not robots. However, what we can do is try to minimize the amount of time we spend on these things. When creating your schedule for the day, allot a few minutes to check your emails, phone messages, and anything along those lines.


Delegating responsibilities.
Personally, I struggle with this third point. I often like to be in control of everything, but sometimes this can be overwhelming and stressful, especially when a deadline is attached. Instead of taking the entire day to complete these tasks, why not delegate some of the responsibilities to have the assignments completed in a timely matter. While doing that, this opens a door for the employees to start developing management and leadership skills.


What are some practices you do to enhance your time management skills? Let me know by leaving a comment below. Have a great rest of the week! And as usual, be safe and be well my Community friends

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