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Level 2

Estimates, Invoices and Sales Taxes

My husband and I run a "mobile" business that takes him all over the state of Texas.  Every customer is invoiced at the tax rate set for the service location which is set by the Texas State Comptroller.  That business has literally been brought to a standstill by QB's latest update that was made last Thursday, May 9, 2024 affecting all estimates, invoices and sales tax.  The "NEW" update no longer will allow us to tax the appropriate taxing authorities based on our service location, but rather ALWAYS defaults to our company's business address which is a Post Office Box.  After working for hours personally trying to figure out what was wrong, we called customer service.  Over the course of 6 phone calls and almost 18 hours, we are no closer to a solution.  We have gone through all the troubleshooting with every rep, shared our screen, gone through all possible scenarios, only to finally be told this evening that the State of Texas changed its entire tax system and now has only one tax rate - for all the cities, counties, special purpose districts, etc. - for the entire State of Texas.  Really??  By the way, the customer service rep that was in India told me he was reading the State Tax Code.  When I asked to speak with a supervisor over them, I was told the only person above them was the State of Texas and I needed to contact them.  I can't make this stuff up.  The problem doesn't stop here.  If I open up estimates and invoices that have already been completed, the system automatically "edits" them and replaces the sales tax information we correctly had with - you guessed it - our PO Box.  This has not only brought our business to a standstill, but it has also ruined our books for IRS tax reporting purposes.  I am seriously contemplating an attorney over this matter.  I would love to hear some feedback from others.  I did try and put my email on here, but Intuit wouldn't let me send this before removing.    

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Level 3

Estimates, Invoices and Sales Taxes

Same issue here in Kansas, with our sales tax being based on location of the customer.  The only major difference is I did speak to an what sounded to be an American on  the phone today and she used glance to follow me through the process that I was trying to make work, she did even agree with me after putting me on hold, that yes the only way to make it work now on this new form is to over ride the tax rate and to give quick book feedback about the issue.  I'm not sure if you've tried this work around (which is a pain) but at least I'm making it work for now.  If at bottom of invoice where it calculates sales tax, click on "see math" then click on edit location on next window that pops up.  Then enter the address that you need for taxation, save then write down rate or just remember it, because by changing location QB thinks you are shipping, now go to customization, switch to no shipping, which will then change your sales tax back to incorrect one.  Then go to see math for sales tax, go to bottom of window that pops up and over ride tax rate and type in the one you need. 

I don't have a clue what this will do to past invoices, as I can't use qb to do my sales tax besides it didn't let me select different jurisdictions, so I've always entered each invoice info into excel after customer pays and then sort based on city and county to get info to enter into the State of KS sales tax webpage.


Don't know if this will help you or not.

QuickBooks Team

Estimates, Invoices and Sales Taxes

Thank you for your patience and for bringing this matter to our attention, mawofford.


We never want our customers to have a poor experience or feel that their concerns are not being heard and addressed properly. 


I want to assure you that we take your concerns very seriously. We are committed to making this right and providing you with the level of service you deserve as our valued customer. I am going to do everything I can to ensure your issue gets resolved.


After carefully reviewing your case, we have decided to escalate it to our next level of support team. This team consists of highly skilled and experienced professionals who will thoroughly review your comments, recent interactions with our support staff, and all relevant details about your case.


You can expect to be contacted by a member of this specialized team within 1-2 business days. They will provide you with a comprehensive update and outline the next steps to be taken to address your concerns effectively.


We appreciate your understanding and cooperation throughout this process. Our goal is to ensure that your issue is resolved to your complete satisfaction.


Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any additional questions or concerns in the meantime.

Level 3

Estimates, Invoices and Sales Taxes

Just wondering did Quickbook come up with a fix to the issue of tax rates not being correct for location of sale?

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