Company now has banking downloaded and am doing matching. Seems like QBO matches any transaction of the same amount; for example, 5 clients pay the same amount $24, so when I try to match I may get all 5 client options PLUS a huge list of open invoices of the same amount (pic example included). From your info "QuickBooks now knows the downloaded transaction is the same one you already entered. It connects the two so there are no duplicates. Your work is done." Not really. Since QBO cannot match using the client name, its up to me to go on a hunt and find the correct transaction. Why doesn't it look for matches of payments only and not list open invoices? Is there a feature I can turn on or off to get this to work better?
And , do not send me a private message about this. Every time I post a question, someone sends a private message which I will NEVER open.