Allow me to join you here and help with your password, Richard.
It's possible that there are some details that are not similar to what we have on our records. You can log in to your account on the Customer Account Management Portal Site to check and verify if the information is the same.
It's a site where you can see and manage your accounts, products, contacts, billing, and user ID access. You can review charges, update your payment method, change a credit card, as well as update billing information and email addresses.
Here's how:
In case the details are the same, I would recommend reaching out to our phone or chat support teams. They can take a look at your account and help you reset your password. Go to this article to get their contact details: Contact QuickBooks Desktop Support.
Don't hesitate to reply to me and share updates if you're able to reset your password. I would also love to get back here in case you need anything else.