I am having a problem with Section 5 of the QBO ProAdvisor Certification. I have every question and my answers captured in screenshots. I failed this section for the 3rd time, so now have to wait 60 days to retake. BUT - I believe my answers are correct and at least one question was not correctly wording. For example question 4 in section 5 asks
What are the 3 ways to add receipts to QBO using the receipt capture feature?
I answered:
However, it should be 1. snap picture via app, 2. forward a receipt via email, and 3. DIRECT UPLOAD. It is NOT uploading via browser. But there is no other choice. I want to know if this answer was marked correct.
Another example is the question on reconciling the bank account in QBO. It asks you to pick 2 statements. Nowhere in the course materials do they give example of 3 statements. I have reviewed and retaken each module, specifically targeting the areas that were pointed out to me in my first 2 attempts. Now I can give you several reasons to reconcile - but I do not know which answers QBO wants. Clearly I answered this wrong because it was listed again on my failed 3rd attempt.
Specifically the choices are:
1. to verify transactions have the correct date assigned to them
2. to verify an account balance is within its credit limit
3. verify that all transactions have been recorded for the period
4. to verify that previously reconciled transactions have not been changed since last reconciliation
5. to verify that the bank has not lost it's connection to QBO.
Clearly 5 is not correct. But of the other 4 - all are valid reasons (and there are other more important reasons that re not included). So what IS the correct answer?
There are other questions that are also problematic.
I studied and prepared for this more than any exam in my life, including LSATS and other certifications. I have a master's degree and have managed finance and used QBO for years. I completed every module for the course, as well as other courses (i.e. bookkeeping principles, intro to QBO for accountants) just to refresh and really master the material.
I am so hesitant to do this exam again, as this test is really inadequate and does not provide detailed feedback on what and why answers were incorrect.
Is there anyone who will discuss this - a real person please?