"I DID use the wizard, but it doesn't offer a report."
Step 5.
"I didn't see any option to Reset to Thresholds."
Step 3.
"I ticked the Vendors that are eligible (ie, ones that should get a 1099 IF they meet the threshold). Then clicked on through the wizard until I got to the print 1099s screen."
Yes, every year some program update whacks the 1099 settings and the Thresholds, too. Make sure to use the link in the wizard to Set the Thresholds to the IRS defaults, and yes, reviewing the names is what you needed to do. To Easily update, go to Lists menu > Add/Edit Multiple, Vendors, Customize the columns, bring what you need into your view (1099 Y/N and SSN/EIN field) and scan and update. This is another reason it helps to use Vendor Type; you can use Type = Subcontractor, for the 1099-Reportable names, and that doesn't seem to get affected. Then, in that Add/Edit Multiple, you can show only the Vendor Type that matters for this task, and you also can use Reports menu > List Reports, Vendor Phone List. Customize it to display the info you want, retitle it Vendor Year End Info and Memorize it to have it always available.