So, it's not possible to select multiple bills to be paid and print one single check referencing all the bills being paid...? QuickBooks hello, please fix this. This is the 3rd issue that QuickBooks has no resolution or fix for. Just more work arounds.
1. Make it possible to print one check that includes Mutiple invoices on one check.
2. QuickBooks excel exports have a formatting issue with dates. I have to make a work around in excel to have excel format the date as a date and not text. It's an additional unnecessary step that could lead to errors.
3. Add additional columns to all tables/pages that have columns. I track invoices, bills etc by project number. Most tables do not have a project number column I can add or select. This requires a lot of additional clicking into files to check for project number. Also, when exporting reports from QB we need option to have a project # to filter.
QuickBooks team please for the love of God fix the simple issues that make our lives difficult. I have to train people how to use this product and when I have to track all these work arounds for every process it makes it unnecessarily difficult and riddled with errors. I want an IT nerd responding to this with solutions, not BS work arounds.