Rainflurry, thank you very much for your response. I have a couple of follow-up questions:
1. According to your note you included the commission-paid of $4000 in the "Bank Account" debit entry and also as a "Commission Expense" debit of $4000, is this correct?
2. I follow all of your entries (except as noted in [1] above). The problem I have is that as you have shown, the "Gain on Sale of Asset" of $69,000 (the real number is much higher) would count as income in 2023; therefore, if I understand correctly, I would have to pay taxes on this total gain with my 2023 tax return. Since this was owner-financed I have not received any cash (other than the down payment), but only a promissory note. Is there a way to enter this transaction so that I pay taxes each year only on the monthly income received during each year from the purchaser as he pays off the loan?
Thank you!