I really am trying to understand and solve this problem. When you say enter the "Formula" in the AMOUNT box, what are you referring to? What formula? If I have 600 boxes, that is the DESCRIPTION, the cost of each box is 24.95. I would like to get QB to calculate that one LINE ITEM total cost before I move to the next LINE ITEM. So if in the AMOUNT box I try to enter 600 X 24.95 it will not even allow you to enter that, no special characters allowed.
My vendor bills look like this:
500 Boxes @ 24.95
200 Boxes @ 22.95
350 Boxes @ 28.00
The LINE ITEM total is what I'm trying to get calculated. In the case above I need to pull out my calculator and calculate each LINE ITEM total then enter in the AMOUNT box. This is needed rather than just a GRAND TOTAL for the entrie bill because many times we must go back and adjust pricing for one LINE ITEM.
I hope I've made myself a little more clear on the problem. I do appreciate any help, as I have had no assistance from QB Help. Thank you!