Sorry for the delay in replying but I cannot find anything about the format of the reconciliation report. Not sure it helps but I found a sort of work around the result of which confirms the data is there just does not present in the correct format. If I export the reconciliation summary as an Excel file, the detail column is very narrow the same as in the QB format but when I click the column it expands to the size of the data which is all correct. In case I did not make it clear the column that's truncated is the names not the actual data. As I am sure you know while some reports provide the ability to adjust the out put the reconciliation summary does not. As I am using the desktop version I opened another company to check if the problem existed and it does. So clearly this problem is in the program itself and I obviously have no idea how to fix. Maybe reinstalling QB desktop would do the trick but I do not really know how to do that and worried about loosing all my data. Do you have any suggestions as to how I could do this safely. Thanks again for your consideration.