Thank you SO much for your reply! That's a great suggestion for me to start at!
If I were the type to do it, I'd create some kind of interactive software that you could practice different scenarios over and over (not just answer questions...that's not my learning style) so people could become more proficient. Most of my clients don't even utilize some of the great aspects of QBO that are offered, or even have that level of QBO, so I can't even "practice" when I do their books.
Just like playing an instrument, a good musician will practice scales, chords, arpeggios, etc. and more difficult pieces before they "put themselves out there" for the public to hear, so it would be awesome if this vital part of bookkeeping (utilizing QBO's potential to the fullest) could be well-learned BEFORE we touch someone's books that may want better services other than regular bookkeeping.
Any takers??