AbegaulS - You and your co-workers just don't get it. We (your Customers) do a fine job of keeping our data secured and private because we DO NOT WANT IT STORED...
Archie_B, QB Employee:You don't get it. For the past 2 years, MANY, MANY long-term QB users have told you to LEAVE US ALONE. We purchased QB for our business us...
Andy TJ, the Borg responded with the usual statement, "we take your safety seriously....". No they don't. If they did, you would not be required to log in to us...
Ryan_M - To be exact and perfectly clear:QB USERS DO NOT WANT TO SIGN IN TO INTUIT USE SOFTWARE ON THEIR OWN COMPUTER.Hundreds of QB Customers have commented an...
Maybelle_S, Thanks for chiming in as a Moderator. You can now be part of the problem, or part of the solution. It is simple - QB customers DO NOT WANT TO LOGIN ...