Once again:. I HAVE THE RATES FOR 2021!!! The steps you geniuses keep trying to tell me to follow ARE NO LONGER VALID! They worked fine last year and every befo...
There used to be a place in State Tax Setup where my rates could be updated. THIS IS GONE, AND IT APPEARS THAT NOBODY THAT WORKS FOR QB IS AWARE OF THIS.FIX THI...
This is insane! I have my rates, but QBO will not let me enter them!! How many times do I have to day this. I've been using QBO for 4 years. Every year, I updat...
When will you be getting the rates? We will need them by next week as they will need to be reflected on the paychecks going out on January 1. And will you be re...
I've been using QBO payroll for 4 years now, so yes, everything is set up and working fine. But I can no longer update the workers comp rates for 2021. Which I ...