I made a backup copy of the Company File, I then applied the Verify, and then the REBUILD but the APP locked up and I had to FORCE QUIT ( It said NOT RESPONDING...
I have some updated info:I have 3 companies on my QB MAC 2016, two of the them display the errors previously reported.....MOST of them are DUPLICATE FILES - see...
I appreciate your reply. I did NOT see any adverse effects when I set up my MBAir and MBPro with the iCloud company files. I was VERY careful to NOT try to open...
Hi, Thanks for the reply.....so I'm a bit perplexed, as with all the errors, the APP and my 3 companies appear to be working OK....I don't know if these are rec...
I have finally decided to buy a LATER version of QB....I found a dealer with a factory NEW unused QB MAC 2020, which will carry me forward to at lease 2023 (apr...