Thank you so much for explaining in detail! I appreciate your taking the time.I'm floored that what I thought was the industry leader in accounting software, be...
Then I don't understand. QuickBooks is an accounting package that doesn't handle journal entries? The feature exists, and QB instructs people to use JEs, so the...
I needed to create year-end reports, and with HOA dues received in 2021 for 2022 invoices, I was getting a negative Accounts Receivable amount in the balance sh...
I haven't heard back from the QB team, but this seems to work.1. Create a virtual account Prepaid Banking Fees, type Other Current Asset (subaccount of Prepaid ...
Thanks. I'm not sure how a journal entry solves the problem. If the bank fees charged in Dec. and refunded in Jan. are in a virtual account called Banking, are ...