So that I understand the "Void" concept correctly, let's say that before Voiding a sample Invoice 4020 of 01/01/18, has a Quantity of 10 Widgets at $5.00 each, ...
Thanks for the response.If I were to go that Invoice and select Control D, would there be a difference from the "Void" process you've described, like not bringi...
Thanks for your help and expertise.How do I "Void" an Invoice in QB 2020 Premier Desktop, as opposed to deleting it (Control D). Also, please confirm that "Void...
I have to Cancel or Void certain old never-to-be-paid Invoices where I've already paid the Sales Tax to NY State on a Sales Tax Item associated with each partic...
Thank you juVielL. Per your suggestion, I verified my data in "Company 2" and no errors were found. I have two companies, and for comparison, I looked in the ot...