Also to address the question on the accrual rate, the number you need to program sick/vacation time in QB desktop to comply with MN ESST (1 hour accrued per 30 ...
You are correct, MN employees do not get to redeem their accrued hours until after they have worked 30 hours. But per MN law, they start accruing hours right aw...
Yes, after reading several posts and QB how-to's, I believe I figured out the best way to avoid sick/vacation time accruing on non-working wages such as Holiday...
Thank you, this works for Minnesota's new Earned Sick and Safe Time which states employees must earn 1 hour per every 30 hours accrued. For QB hours accrued per...
Thank you, this works for Minnesota's new Earned Sick and Safe Time which states employees must earn 1 hour per every 30 hours accrued. For QB hours accrued per...