@Trish_Tas I originally described this will not help because of the issues I currently have with inventory shrinkage, which then impacts inventory asset. I need...
@Trish_TI don't want to purge everything, I have spent an entire month importing suppliers, bills, bank transactions. But the inventory side of things is the is...
@Trish_TI just want to start again. I'm sick and tired of trying to resolve issues with this software. How can I migrate what I need and just start again with a...
@Carissa22I've been following this as i have the same problem and support don't seem to have a clue unfortunately. I did what you did but the problem I then fou...
@ChristineJoieRthis creates a problem in inventory shrinkage. Why is QOB so difficult to correct errors on. It literally punishes you for making an error. I had...