I did invent a solution... 11 steps...1. Create an Employee Cash Advance account in QB chart of accounts2. Create cheques in QB for all the cash advances, dated...
Is there a way to go back and add the deduction of the advance to the payroll cheque?I could add the cash advance into an Employee Cash Advance account, by issu...
Hi Bkkprgal,I'd love to do your option 2, but the payroll cheques do not appear in the list of possible matches if the sum to be matched is less than the payrol...
Hi Archie_BResponding to the above:Excluding transactions: I do not want to exclude the prepayment transaction that I import form my bank.The transaction is par...
Thanks for the reply, Archie_B.This looks like the same info I read in the QB Help topic on this matter.However, this doesn't appear help me for historical paym...