Hi John. Yes it was for June. I think this client was migrated by the QB team to Core at the end of May.If the issue is related to the payroll history not being...
Thanks John. It was yesterday (9th July) when I was looking. Payroll hadn't been run at that time, and there was no EPS in the Payroll Tax section. Does somethi...
Hi,I specifically asked how to do this in Core payroll, your answer covers Standard and Advanced but not Core. Please could you advise for Core payroll.
Hi,This thread relates to Core payroll which was why I added my query here, though I perhaps wasn't clear in my message. You have given a solution for both Stan...
Hi,I am trying to understand how to submit an EPS for a nil payroll. There is no Reports section within the Payroll section. The EPS also isn't available in the...