Following the email instructions I received yesterday (See the email at the bottom),I have 10,000 separate line items that are listed as "Not Specified" and Qui...
I have spent so much time on this problem with Intuit. We need to add Cost of Burden - and it's not working properly. The Payroll Expense report is good - Hourl...
Thank you for your response. I have been reading that QBO doesn't handle Retention very well. I was hoping that they were wrong.What word work, is that if we ha...
Thank you for the response. I am a little confused in that we are talking about Retention not Retainage.Retention is what companies owe us (other asset) and Ret...
Update - Followed your instructions and talked with Tech Support. Not too much help there. HOWEVER I received an email from the Intuit Finance Department. It lo...