If you can't change the date format toMM-DD-YYYY, my guess is that you live outside the U.S. and your Apple computer is picking up the format from your current ...
THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH. This fixed the issue. I went to my AppleSettings > Date & Time and saw by default the date format was YY-MM-DD. The correct location was...
I just installed the 2023 version from the link you provided. It has exactly the same issue. New invoices can be recorded only with the date of last invoice in ...
Yes, it has the same problem but instead of taking today's date it is taking the date of last invoice. I opened the sample file and went ahead to create an invo...
Unfortunately it is still the same. I verified the data and showed "No problem have been detected in your QuickBooks data". Any date I put in the invoice other ...