Hi there. In QB, go to Employees -> Payroll Tax Forms & W-2s -> Tax Form Worksheets in Excel. This will open a dialogue box with a few options. At the top secti...
I'd recommend using the option of Tax Form Worksheets in Excel while Intuit determines when they'll fix this issue. You'll choose State Wage Listing and get a d...
An update to my post. I spoke in length with Intuit support today and the last representative said it is now a known issue and that a payroll update did cause t...
This issue seems to point to a payroll update issue. I created a new virtual machine and installed a fresh copy of Desktop Pro Plus 2024 and restored a copy of ...
I have a client with same issue. I was initially able to restore the file to a new machine and the TN UI form worked again. However, it subsequently quit workin...