Thanks for this and to everyone who contributed to responding, I did learn a few new things. I will drop the issue and move forward with manipulating the data i...
Using cash basis method doesn't work, because that includes unearned cash received (which is what I'm intending to exclude). I want to track sales revenue, not ...
I am referring to the column on QBO's "Sales Tax Liability Report" labeled "Tax Name." This report is showing me gross total, non-taxable, taxable amount, and t...
Thanks but I do not think this works. I believe you are telling me to 1) export the Sales Tax Liability Report, 2) run a separate sales report to identify unear...
Thank you this was super helpful. Follow up: Is it possible to filter QB's built-in "Sales Tax Liability Report" in the same way? When I go to it, I see a few o...