I issued a refund to a customer, but it doesn't show when selecting match in the bank (transfer) transaction.There's no way to do this without throwing off my c...
I've been receiving an email from[email address removed]with a Docusign link in it.I haven't clicked on it and keep deleting it and sending it to spam, but now ...
So... You can't apply a credit to an invoice unless the customer pays and you also apply payment at same time?I found that I can go to the customer, select new ...
Neither method (New-> Receive Pmts OR Invoice->Receive Pmts) works for me to apply a credit to an invoice.I created the credit last week and it's in the custome...
I just had this happen and ended up having to apply the overpayment to the job/project it was overpaid to then I issued a credit memo on same job/project. Once ...