There are 5 pages on this topic and countless other attempts to get this feature.Now after 5 years, you're asking us to reach out to the developers?Thank you. I...
Wow. You don't understand it, therefore it isn't needed.Seriously?Let me explain something to you: There are many of us trying to get paid in ways you may not i...
Pathetic I'm upgrading this software for $400.Assuming web is no longer tied to IE.$400 so I can keep using my accountant?Intuit you should be ashamed.
This is a database. How is this feature not yet available.Many companies rely on payments from multiple payers on the same invoice.Without a report, we can't id...
So Intuit has "submitted this feedback to our engineers," "understands why this feature would be useful"and "can't guarantee that will happen"In the meantime, t...