Maximum hours of work
On top of these variances in work hours and overtime pay, the Government of Canada also places restrictions on how many hours total an employee can work in a week. In most cases, the Canadian government states that the maximum number of hours worked in a week is 48. However, there are certain instances where this restriction does not apply.
Such instances include permit work, emergency work, and circumstances that fall under an averaging plan or a modified work schedule. The trucking, shipping, and railway industries also have different work hours and overtime standards compared to general workers.
As a business owner, it is up to you to guarantee that tracking overtime is done correctly and following all applicable labour laws of Canada. For a complete understanding of the country’s overtime and labour laws by province, check out this guide on Canadian labour laws.
Understanding your province’s overtime laws will help ensure your business is payroll compliant. Payroll compliance refers to the legal framework that businesses must follow in regard to the treatment and payment of its employees. Part of being a good business owner who practices time management is following all labour laws regarding overtime, and staying payroll complaints in regards to timesheets, paid time worked, invoicing, and accurate tracking time for proper employee remuneration.