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Level 2

If I downgrade from any subscription level, can I still keep all the data I created w/ a feature that was only avail. in the higher paid version previously on?

I looked through post and seen somewhat similar but they were always given basically a lawyer style answer, there was no real direct yes or no. It shouldnt matter what subscription level one was on. The question is very direct will data created with specific "features" from a higher paid version be deleted once you downgrade to subs. that does not have those features ? YES OR NO? Please. It is obvious and goes with out saying, one will of course not have access to the premium features they left when down grading. But thats not the question. The question is will previous data created while on that paid account stay that way even after downgrade? Cuz its my data and I paid for it when I created it, so I dont get why it would suddenly go away when I paid for it already. If I wanted to edit it after the fact ok sure....dont allow it but other than that its just down right wrong. No one else in industry does Freshbooks. Finally please dont even waste typing., if you are not going answer direct and specific...its a yes or no.
12 Comments 12
Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

If I downgrade from any subscription level, can I still keep all the data I created w/ a feature that was only avail. in the higher paid version previously on?

Technically, your data will remain after you downgrade the plan. That is why you may not be allowed to downgrade your plan for certain conditions (eg multi currency). What is your existing plan and which plan do you need to downgrade? We can share a workaround to explore.


If I downgrade from any subscription level, can I still keep all the data I created w/ a feature that was only avail. in the higher paid version previously on?

I can share some information about what happens to your data after downgrading your current subscription, @sealerking07.


If you downgrade your subscription, some data will be kept and other information will be inactive. Just like having inventory items and wanting to switch to QuickBooks Online Simple Start or Essentials, you'll have to deactivate your inventory. This will reset your inventory items to 0. Your inventory items are now inactive and won't show up on your Product and Services list anymore.


You can also export your reports and lists into an excel file to have a copy of it. You can refer to this article for the details on how to do so: Export reports, lists, and more .


Check this article for more information about the available features on each plan and the data that you'll need to turn off, remove, and deactivate to downgrade the subscription easily: Upgrade or downgrade your QuickBooks Online subscription.


Here's also an article that tells you more about your subscription: QuickBooks Online subscription rate .


I'm always here if you still have questions about your data. Let me know in the Reply section below. Have a great rest of the day!

Level 2

If I downgrade from any subscription level, can I still keep all the data I created w/ a feature that was only avail. in the higher paid version previously on?

This is exactly what Im talking about. You did not answer my question

Level 2

If I downgrade from any subscription level, can I still keep all the data I created w/ a feature that was only avail. in the higher paid version previously on?

It really shouldn't matter Im purposely trying to stay broad because it should be a general yes or no blanket answer for anytime one creates data using a certain subscription level then changes. Does that data they created stay or get deleted once they downgrade to lower subscription? I dont get what is confusing about the question. If you want an example....say you make an estimates or invoices and added a custom field then down graded. When you open those estimates and invoices you previously made when you were one a higher paid subscription will that old info still be there? Yes or No.


Again everyone get you wont be able use any features from the previous higher subs. for new stuff going forward form the time you down grade so dont even mention about that. That is obvious and again not what Im asking.


If I downgrade from any subscription level, can I still keep all the data I created w/ a feature that was only avail. in the higher paid version previously on?

 Hi sealerking07,


The answer is No. Your transactions will be kept, including the items, the custom fields and their information, etc. You can even edit the details, but the field won't be available in future transactions.


Basically, the features you used in transactions will be retained in those transactions.


Hope this satisfies your concern. Do you have any other questions?

Level 2

If I downgrade from any subscription level, can I still keep all the data I created w/ a feature that was only avail. in the higher paid version previously on?

Ok I hope so. Just so you guys no the reason I asked was because I had called in to QBO advanced team twice and spoke with 2 different priority circle people since Im on advanced. They both said the opposite and that I would loosed that data. I gave same scenarios and info typed here. I only came here because I could not believe that was true because it would just crazy if they did that not to mention ethical since I did it when I paid for it. 

Level 1

If I downgrade from any subscription level, can I still keep all the data I created w/ a feature that was only avail. in the higher paid version previously on?

Hello, I'm hoping you can help answer a similar question for me!


I have a Plus account and 4 additional Essentials accounts. (All for 5 different retail stores.) At one point, I managed 3 of our retail locations under the Plus accounts using the Locations / Class features. However, I no longer use those features and would like to downgrade my Plus account so that I have 5 Essentials accounts.


My question is once I downgrade my Plus account, will all of the different locations data now be lumped into one large report? In my current P&L I have been able to see each retail location's separate financial data and they are separated by Class. So a comprehensive P&L breaks down each P&L's data separately by class but also combines it all in one comprehensive P&L.


I want to store the past data (2022 and below) for all of the stores that I had separated by class in QBO Plus BUT I no longer need the Class / Location capability moving forward?


I'm not sure if that makes sense or not .... glad to try and further explain. I can't seem to find the answer to this question by either calling or searching the boards.




QuickBooks Team

If I downgrade from any subscription level, can I still keep all the data I created w/ a feature that was only avail. in the higher paid version previously on?

Hi there, @jenrossi96.


I'm here to share some information on how your reports work when you downgrade your subscription.

In QuickBooks Online (QBO) Plus and Essentials, you can run Profit and Loss (P&L) detail reports and access past data. However, there's no built-in custom report for class and location. Previous transactions will show the assigned class.

If you want to keep the data in QBO and your subscription is Essentials, you can export it to Excel as it won't support class/location allocation in P&L reports.

Here's how

  1. Go to Business overview and select Reports (Take me there).
  2. Search for and select the report you want to export.
  3. At the top of the report, select the Export icon. Then select Export to Excel.
  4. Save the file somewhere you can easily find, like your Downloads folder or your desktop.

You can check this article for more details: Export your reports to Excel from QuickBooks Online.


Let me also share these articles for additional details about running reports in QBO:



Please add a reply below to add more details. I'll jump right back to help you again. 

Level 3

If I downgrade from any subscription level, can I still keep all the data I created w/ a feature that was only avail. in the higher paid version previously on?

If I downgrade from Plus to something else. I understand that the class feature will be inactive. I won't be able to create a report that shows the various classes. Later, if I upgrade back to Plus and the feature is active again, will my classes still be there on all those previous transactions?


I've got 23 years of transactions, if I ever need to go back and get a report in case of an audit, etc. I would like to be able to upgrade to plus and get the data.

QuickBooks Team

If I downgrade from any subscription level, can I still keep all the data I created w/ a feature that was only avail. in the higher paid version previously on?

Hi there, @ValkyrieAnne.


Yes, you can still see the class in the transactions. But when you upgrade from a lower version to Plus, the class names in the Class list won't automatically update. You'll need to add the class names back and re-associate them with the transactions manually.


Additionally, I'd like to leave this article for you to manage your QuickBooks plan to add more or have fewer accounting features: Upgrade or downgrade your QuickBooks Online edition.


If you have more questions managing your QuickBooks Online data, don't forget to click the reply button. I'm always around to help!

Level 11

If I downgrade from any subscription level, can I still keep all the data I created w/ a feature that was only avail. in the higher paid version previously on?


Before you downgrade the plan, consider converting your data to QB Desktop file. You can use the trial version to access your historical data for good if needed.

Level 3

If I downgrade from any subscription level, can I still keep all the data I created w/ a feature that was only avail. in the higher paid version previously on?

@4Gal This is excellent advice! Thank you very much.


It was very bad news to learn that I would need to re-enter the class on every transaction for 22 years of QuickBooks data.


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