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Level 1

My Report Headers/Footer Print but Not Report Details (QuickBooks On-Line on Mac)

I can see the report details fine in the preview but when I print the report, only the header and footer are printed. In the details area, there are random horizontal lines.

I get the same result when printing from QBO, saving as PDF and printing from Chrome, Preview and Safari. I have tried cleared the history cache and get the same result.

I am able to print other documents (non QBO) just fine, so I know it is not a problem with the printer.

I am on MacOS Sonoma (the new version).
15 Comments 15
QuickBooks Team

My Report Headers/Footer Print but Not Report Details (QuickBooks On-Line on Mac)

We appreciate you reaching out here with the steps you've performed to help rectify printing issues on your reports, tjinks3. I've got additional insights to ensure report details are accurate when printing them.


Since clearing cache and cookies on your browsers was already performed, we can remove third-party plug-ins installed in your Safari provider. It'll allow Safari's own internal PDF viewer to take over as the browser's default PDF handler. To do this:


  1. Quit Safari.
  2. Open a new Finder window. Then select the Go menu and choose Go To Folder.
  3. Type the following in the field: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/.
  4. If there are plugins named PDF Browser Plugin.pluginAdobePDFViewerNPAPI.plugin, or AdobePDFPDE.plugin, move them to the recycle bin or somewhere else on your system. You may need to enter your password to authorize the removal.
  5. Reopen Safari and sign in to QuickBooks Online.
  6. Try to print your document.


You may also visit this guide for additional troubleshooting steps for printing issues: Troubleshoot printing problems in Safari.


However, if the same thing happens, we recommend contacting our Customer Care Team. They have the necessary tools to further review your account and provide real-time assistance so you can print relevant reports in your file.


Here's how to reach them:


  1. In your QBO account, click the Help icon and select Contact Us.
  2. Enter your concern and click Let's Talk.
  3. Select Start a chat or Get a callback with a support expert.


Moreover, you can utilize memorizing a report feature in QBO to help you save time and its current customization settings when running reports.


We'll always be around in this forum to provide further assistance if you have additional queries managing and printing reports in your account. Please don't hesitate to leave them in the comments below. Keep safe!

Level 2

My Report Headers/Footer Print but Not Report Details (QuickBooks On-Line on Mac)

I have the same problem and I'm using Firefox as a browser. This is new. I've printed reports many times before.

Mac Sonoma 14.0

Nothing in the internet plugins folder


Level 2

My Report Headers/Footer Print but Not Report Details (QuickBooks On-Line on Mac)

I found that if I open the report using Firefox, not preview, the report prints properly. Maybe there is an issue with the Preview app.

QuickBooks Team

My Report Headers/Footer Print but Not Report Details (QuickBooks On-Line on Mac)

I appreciate your dedication to resolving the issue, Optixbil. Let's make sure you can print the reports in QuickBooks Online (QBO).


Upon reviewing our records, I've found that there's an open investigation regarding your concern. Our software engineers are working diligently to identify the root cause of the problem. We assure you that we are taking all necessary steps to get this rectified as soon as possible.


For now, I recommend contacting our support team. This way, you'll be added to the list of affected users and receive status updates through email or SMS. For a faster transaction, provide this investigation number to our representative: INV-93599. Here's how:


  1. Click Help on the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Go to the Search tab, then click the Contact Us button.
  3. Enter a brief description of your concern in the description box.
  4. Proceed with Continue, then choose Chat or Callback.


In the meantime, consider exporting the report into Excel or downloading it as a PDF. Then, print it from Adobe.


Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated as we work to address the issue. We look forward to providing you with the best possible experience in the future, Optixbil. If there's anything else that I can do for you, just tag my name in the comment section. Take care!

Level 1

My Report Headers/Footer Print but Not Report Details (QuickBooks On-Line on Mac)

I am having the same trouble.  It started about 2 weeks ago, I can no longer print reports with the details, just the header shows up.  I'm using Chrome on my imac.  I tried downloading the report and emailing it to myself as Excel and PDFs and it still won't print anything but the header from the downloads.  I have never changed any settings or the printer.

Level 1

My Report Headers/Footer Print but Not Report Details (QuickBooks On-Line on Mac)

I am having exactly  the same trouble.  I noticed it this week.  I also can no longer print reports with the details, just the header shows up.  I'm using Chrome on my imac.  I also tried downloading the report and emailing it to myself as Excel and PDFs and opened in both Adobe and Preview, and it still won't print anything but the header from the downloads.  I have never changed any settings or the printer.

QuickBooks Team

My Report Headers/Footer Print but Not Report Details (QuickBooks On-Line on Mac)

I completely understand your frustration with the printing issue you're experiencing, @gref and @bdcp and appreciate your efforts in performing some workarounds to fix this. It can be incredibly inconvenient when something that used to work perfectly suddenly stops functioning as expected. 


After checking here in the system, the investigation is still in progress. Rest assured, our product engineering team is working diligently to identify a solution as soon as possible. If you haven't yet, I suggest contacting our QuickBooks Support team so they can add you to the list of affected users. You can provide the investigation number to our representative (INV-93599) for faster transactions. To contact them, you'll want to follow the steps shared by my peer above.


Moreover, here are some articles you can use in your future tasks to manage your reports: 


If you have any further questions or need assistance with anything else, please feel free to ask. I'm here to help!

Level 2

My Report Headers/Footer Print but Not Report Details (QuickBooks On-Line on Mac)

Was having the same printing issue since updating to Sonoma on Mac; and had been using a secondary PDF app on my smart phone as the workaround.  I just loaded Sonoma 14.1 this morning (27 Oct) and the issue appears to have been resolved.

Level 3

My Report Headers/Footer Print but Not Report Details (QuickBooks On-Line on Mac)

I’ve been having the same issues since updating my Mac a few weeks ago.  Called QBO, they told me it was an Apple thing.  Called Apple, they told me it was a Qb thing.  Each day that passes, I get more and more frustrated as I print out 20+ project reports a day.


The only work around I’ve found so far, which is super annoying, is to download the report, move it to my desktop, open report in Adobe, print from adobe, delete report from my desktop. 

If I’m trying to email the report, I follow the same steps as above but I have to rename and save the file again for it to show up.  If I email the download from QB, it shows up blank to the sender. 

Hope this helps in the meantime but hope QB gets this fixed faster than that!  Going on 4 weeks now which is crazy!

Level 1

My Report Headers/Footer Print but Not Report Details (QuickBooks On-Line on Mac)

Firefox is the only way I can get anything to print.  I'm assuming the print engine in Preview, Chrome, Safari, Adobe Reader & Edge are all the same.  Maybe Firefox uses another print engine??

Anyway, for now Firefox on the Mac is the only way I can print from QBO on my M2 Mac w/latest OS.

Level 2

My Report Headers/Footer Print but Not Report Details (QuickBooks On-Line on Mac)

I had the problem after update to Sonoma 14.  Installed 14.1 and the problem is now resolved for me.  

Level 2

My Report Headers/Footer Print but Not Report Details (QuickBooks On-Line on Mac)

Upon installation of the latest Sonoma version 14.1 the issue was resolved for me.

Level 2

My Report Headers/Footer Print but Not Report Details (QuickBooks On-Line on Mac)

Upon installation of the update to Sonoma 14.1 the issue is now resolved for me.

Level 2

My Report Headers/Footer Print but Not Report Details (QuickBooks On-Line on Mac)

Upon installation of the update to Sonoma 14.1, the issue is now resolved for me.

Level 1

My Report Headers/Footer Print but Not Report Details (QuickBooks On-Line on Mac)

That update worked!  Thanks Fillister!!

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