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Level 2

Debit card

My bank account is connected to QBO and syncs just fine. However, I just found out that it's not recognizing the DEBIT transactions from my business debit card. It all shows up on the same bank statement for me, so I don't understand why QB doesn't see those transactions. It's not a separate account, so I can't "connect" it. How do people manage debit cards?

4 Comments 4
QuickBooks Team

Debit card

Hi there, @indigo-digitaal.


Thank you for communicating with the Community. I'll be more than happy to guide you and share some insights.


QuickBooks Online depends on your financial institution on what your bank allows you to download on QBO. However, it is possible to acquire it through manual updates.


Here's how:


  1. Select Banking.
  2. Select Update.
  3. If prompted, enter your Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) credentials and select Continue updateYou must enter these credentials within 2 minutes of being prompted. Multi-factor authentication is any security precaution that requests more than a single username and password.


For more detailed steps, please refer to this article: Automatic and manual online banking updates.


If it still doesn't work, I suggest contacting your bank to verify it.


For future reference, you can refer to this article if you want to categorize your transactions: Categorize online bank transactions.


Keep me posted on how things go on your end. I'll be around to provide further assistance with your banking concerns.

Level 2

Debit card

Connecting to my account is not the issue. It auto-syncs with my bank account just fine, but doesn't see the debit card transactions in that same account. (All my Credit Cards are fine, those are different accounts). But my DEBIT card is part of my business banking account. All those transactions show up on the same bank statement. However, QB only syncs the transactions that are NOT debit card transactions and ignores the rest. So it's connected, but doesn't see the debit card items. They are separated on my bank statement into regular debits, then there is a section after the regular transactions that are labeled for my debit card transactions. Those are the ones that QB ignores. 

Level 1

Debit card

I also need the answer to this question, but it doesn't look like one was ever received?

QuickBooks Team

Debit card

Thank you for joining this thread, ChristinaL11.


Keeping a record of all expenses in a single location is essential for financial management and tracking. I'm here to direct you to the appropriate support that can address your concern about why debit card transactions are not recognized from your account. 


The entries that are downloaded into QuickBooks Online (QBO) are dependent on the data sent by your Financial Institution (FI). To rectify this issue, I recommend contacting your bank's support team for further assistance. One of their specialists will review the mapping of your transactions and assist in downloading your debit card data into the online program.


In the meantime, upload the entries via CSV file and import them into your company to keep your records accurate. Please note that QBO can handle 3-column or 4-column formats.


Also, make sure to classify the transactions to the correct category type for a seamless reconciliation process. This reference provides detailed instructions to carry out the task: Categorize online bank transactions in QuickBooks Online.


If you happen to experience any challenges with your online banking connection or observe any missing downloaded transactions, we have included a collection of links that provide solutions to troubleshoot these issues. Feel free to review each one to view the complete details:


Reach out to me again if you have additional questions about downloading your debit card data or have other banking-related concerns. I'll be here to help you out, ChristinaL1. Have a great rest of the day. 

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