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Level 2

How do you stop a filtered transaction list from changing the filter from "all" to "past 365 days" after viewing a transaction?

Specifically under customers, if I filter the transaction list to show all open invoices when I view an invoice the filters are changed to show only the past 365 days. Can this be changed?
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QuickBooks Team

How do you stop a filtered transaction list from changing the filter from "all" to "past 365 days" after viewing a transaction?

Hello there, MC74. 



I appreciate you reaching out and providing details about your concern. I can share some insights about the colorful tabs under the Customer screen.


Currently, there isn't an option to remove this filter. "Last 365 days" is the default filter of the tabs. Once you modify the data using one of the filters, it will automatically become the default one. This is designed to give you an overview of your customer's transactions in a year period.


Also, if you're using a web browser to access the company file, make sure you're not in Incognito mode. This window will trigger the program to use default settings in QBO since the private window does not save your browsing history.


You can browse our QuickBooks Blog where you can read the latest news and updates from QuickBooks about product improvements. 


In case you need to search for a specific transaction in QuickBooks Online, you can go through the following resources below. It also provides you steps in searching customers as well as vendors:



Come back to the Community forum if there are other questions and clarifications you have in mind or anything QuickBooks-related concerns. I'll zip right back to help you out.






Level 2

How do you stop a filtered transaction list from changing the filter from "all" to "past 365 days" after viewing a transaction?

I'm not sure I understand your response.  I do not want to remove the filter, I want to stop it from being the default. In your reply, you state  "Once you modify the data using one of the filters, it will automatically become the default one. "  Are you saying your modification becomes the default? That does not seem to be the case.  When the list is filtered to include all dates and you view a transaction from the list, when you return to the list it switches to the last 365 days.  Is there a way to make it stop changing the filters while you are actively using them?  I am not in incognito mode.






How do you stop a filtered transaction list from changing the filter from "all" to "past 365 days" after viewing a transaction?

Hello, MC74. 


Thanks for getting back to us. I'll clarify the details about the filters on the Customer Transaction List page. 


I did what you noted on your original post. The filters will only change if you edit and save an invoice. This will always default to the Last 365 days filter option. 


Pressing the "X"  (on the invoice screen) or the Back button (on the browser) will keep the current filters (All dates in your case) on the Transactions List.


If you just want to view the invoice, then you'll want to do this instead. 


This behavior might be changed in the future. I would suggest sending feedback to our developers by pressing the Gear icon, then selecting Feedback


You can stay tuned for updates from our QuickBooks Blog as mentioned by LeizylM.


Do you need to take care of your income or expenses from the Banking page? I'd recommend checking this article for tips and details on handling your bank transactions: Categorize and match online bank transactions in QuickBooks Online


I'm willing to help you out if you have more questions about your customers' transactions. If you're ready to tackle on other things in QuickBooks, please let me know. I'll get back to you as soon as possible. 

Level 1

How do you stop a filtered transaction list from changing the filter from "all" to "past 365 days" after viewing a transaction?

I 100% agree. Having the prepopulated date be Last 365 Days is a timeframe I never use. Having to change it to All Dates every single time gets frustrating. Especially if I forget to change it! 

Level 2

How do you stop a filtered transaction list from changing the filter from "all" to "past 365 days" after viewing a transaction?

I'm going to chime in here as I think there should be a way to make the default "all dates" in any list I sort, instead of "Last 365 days" because that's how many businesses work.  I need ALL DATES, not just the last 365 when I go into search Projects for invoices and bills.  

I honestly do not believe the developers of QuickBooks Online ever used the QuickBooks Desktop program.  I also don't believe any them ever worked in the bookkeeping/accounting world.

Level 2

How do you stop a filtered transaction list from changing the filter from "all" to "past 365 days" after viewing a transaction?

Yes, "all dates" should be able to be made the default across the whole program but especially Unpaid Bills!  The idiotic person that decided to make that a "past 365 days" obviously never worked in the business world!  If a bill is unpaid, it's unpaid!!!  You need to know it's unpaid no matter how old it is so you can pay it.

I wish Intuit would require their coders to have at least a year of accounting/bookkeeping real-life, real-world experience before they hire them to make changes that affect us daily in our businesses. 

I have experience with QB Desktop considering I started using it when it was released DOS v1.0 and I just can't believe the level of stupidity in QBO. It's the company I work for that forced me to change to QBO!

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