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Level 2

QuickBooks checking account.

I can’t make a suggestion in this QB community for another Bank because they will not approve the post.  The answer is in the details - but You said it yourself…. (Look up the all caps) I FOUND one!   🧐

hope that helps. 

Level 2

QuickBooks checking account.

I was on hold yesterday.  Off shore call center.   They say they do not have any updates.   Then tried to say the transactions were not pending and that they posted.  Which is correct they posted.   However they are still pending because I’m still out double for each. And I can see the pending along with my balance off by over $15k.    I have a full paper trail of the additional deposits I had to make because it kept deducting double.  They really need to get a handle on this.   I am about ready to fly to their corporate office!

Level 2

QuickBooks checking account.

No updates.  Called yesterday.  Offshore call center tells for GreenDot (QB rep had to get permission to call them from their supervisor) … QB Money rep could see everything I could see and was horrified…. GreenDot Rep I was transferred to offshore admitted there is technical issues and said they have no completion date. After she Tried to tell me nothing is wrong. Said their “Hands are Tied” 

Level 2

QuickBooks checking account.

Suggestion is lookup  Elliott Advocacy they are a group that holds direct contact information of executives for many large corporations you will find some contact information there.   I did !   
I sent a letter.   Next is going to be a certified one.     Past that I am either flying to their corporate office to chat.  Or I am going to contact the SEC and the Attorney General

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