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Level 2

Quickbooks Checking (GreenDot) has taken my money for over over 17 days - I have ZERO access to my money!

For over 17 days I have had the wrong balance on my Quickbooks Checking Account - which interestingly enough is in the negative where I have a healthy positive actual balance. I am unable to pay payroll, rent, utilities, car loan, etc - this is absolutely ridiculous and theft of my businesses money for over 17 days with no answers, no support, no timeline of rectifying this disaster. My case has been "ESCALATED" for many many days and to no avail. Quickbooks and GreenDot what the heck is going on - I NEED MY MONEY TO SURVIVE - HOW DARE YOU!

17 Comments 17

Quickbooks Checking (GreenDot) has taken my money for over over 17 days - I have ZERO access to my money!

I understand the critical impact this has had on your business operations, RazzenRamen.


I recognize the urgency of your situation and the importance of having accurate financial information to manage your business effectively. The prolonged delay in rectifying this matter is not up to our standards.

Your case has been escalated, and we have been actively working on finding a solution. However, we understand your disappointment that this issue remains unresolved despite the escalation. Please know that we're taking immediate measures to address this situation and provide you with a timely resolution.


In order to maintain effective communication and transparency, you can expect to receive regular email updates regarding the progress of your case. They contain the latest details on the actions we're taking to resolve the issue. Please keep an eye on your inbox for these notifications.


If you didn't receive any email or have any questions about its contents, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Customer Care Team. They can provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information. We will make every effort to give you comprehensive updates, alleviating any concerns or uncertainties you may have. 


Furthermore, I encourage you to actively communicate with us here and share any updates or changes related to your case. This will help us stay informed about your specific situation and ensure that we can take the appropriate steps to address your needs effectively.

I know that you need your money to survive, and we acknowledge the gravity of the circumstances. Rest assured, we are fully committed to providing you with the resolution you deserve.

Level 2

Quickbooks Checking (GreenDot) has taken my money for over over 17 days - I have ZERO access to my money!

This is untrue - you have my email and I have not received update on this dire situation. Quickbooks has been a valued partner in my businesses for decades and now this - unbelievable. Pertaining FDIC laws I have rights here and I want an explanation immediately.

Level 2

Quickbooks Checking (GreenDot) has taken my money for over over 17 days - I have ZERO access to my money!

This has situation still remains the same, no communication given, my account remains compromised with my monies gone. When will this be fixed? This is unprecedented. It’s basically theft from Quickbooks & partners….what’s going on? 

Level 2

Quickbooks Checking (GreenDot) has taken my money for over over 17 days - I have ZERO access to my money!

I am having the same issues now on day 23.  No real answers.  I have moved what is left of my money out of greendot because 23 days with issues is almost fraud in my book

QuickBooks Team

Quickbooks Checking (GreenDot) has taken my money for over over 17 days - I have ZERO access to my money!

I appreciate you for bringing this to our attention.


Since something like this happens, I recommend contacting our QuickBooks Checking Support Team. They have the tools to investigate this issue further. Once a resolution is available, they help you immediately.


You may refer to this link: Contact Payments or Point of Sale Support. Follow the steps on how to reach them according to the product you are using. Or you may go through the article to see their contact information.


I'm adding this article for future reference: Learn more about QuickBooks Checking


Feel free to post here again if you have further QuickBooks-related concerns. We are available 24/7 to lend a hand with each of your queries. Stay safe!

Level 2

Quickbooks Checking (GreenDot) has taken my money for over over 17 days - I have ZERO access to my money!

I Call Support Daily and Get the same Answers No one knows when it will be resolved.  I call daily.  I have Over 5K in Transactions in the account that are pending.  debits and Credits.  For 23 days this has been going on.  If this was a US bank or BOA it would be in the news.   My business is in live production an I'm afraid to put client deposits in greendot because it may not be there.  

Level 10

Quickbooks Checking (GreenDot) has taken my money for over over 17 days - I have ZERO access to my money!

@DethrowEAV   If you search the community, you will find SOOOOOOO many people with the same issue.  There is talk of class action lawsuits and everything.  

You can and should file complaints with the BBB and FTC, as well as anywhere else you can find.  


From what I have seen from most other posts, you will have over 200 days, just to have to collect the money... YOUR money, from your state.  


Good luck.  

QuickBooks Team

Quickbooks Checking (GreenDot) has taken my money for over over 17 days - I have ZERO access to my money!

It hasn't been easy for you and your business.


I understand where your coming from. However, any QuickBooks Payments issues are handled by the phone support team. Don't worry. We have already submitted an internal complaint to the Payments management team documenting the situation you've experienced so far.

You can always drop by this thread again if you have future QuickBooks-related concerns. I'm more than happy to offer help.

Level 2

Quickbooks Checking (GreenDot) has taken my money for over over 17 days - I have ZERO access to my money!

So they resolved My pending transactions but the total on the account is still off by thousands.  Unbelievable.

Level 2

Quickbooks Checking (GreenDot) has taken my money for over over 17 days - I have ZERO access to my money!

So we are on day 26,  Last night green dot corrected most of the pending charges!!!! BUT. YEP BUT, they never reflected the account balance.  So for example i traveled from Las Vegas in a large truck to St. Louis, Each stop to get fuel i swiped my card, and got hit with a 150 to 175 dollar verfication charge on top of the fuel charge.  The 150 to 175 charge would normally drop off after a few days when the vendor posts their transactions, but because of green dots errors they were on my account.  So the 1500 in charges would drop off and i would have 1500 in available funds in the account.  Well now the charges are gone, but the balance does not reflect the drop off.  I made sure i was not in error and reviewed other charges and it should have corrected after transactions have posted.  Next steps are to contact local news

Level 2

Quickbooks Checking (GreenDot) has taken my money for over over 17 days - I have ZERO access to my money!

Day what ever it is.  still no change and the Tech guys said they resolved it but its missing money.  They have opened a new ticket.... I have screen shots of it all.

Level 2

Quickbooks Checking (GreenDot) has taken my money for over over 17 days - I have ZERO access to my money!

I am now going on over a month of my money MISSING from GreenDot. They "have cleared my card" but my money is GONE from my account. Quickbooks being the financial "support" institution you are how can this actually even be happening? You and GreenDot have continued to steal our monies - I have had to restart my business because of you. No communication, no-one knows anything, investigation after investigation, resolution manger after regulation manger. everyone is repeating the same words without any clarity. You are literally destroying small businesses. 


Level 2

Quickbooks Checking (GreenDot) has taken my money for over over 17 days - I have ZERO access to my money!

So past 30 plus days, i have heard from Quickbooks, as well as green dot on a daily basis.  Im still missing now 1250.00  The rest of the payments have cleared.  They are unable to find the missing money.  Keep in mind i have screenshots of the missing money and each day after that.  I have been told that penny for penny i have all of my money.  I have also been told conflicting data from what i see on statements and Pending charges to what they say on the calls.  I have a local news agency that will be reporting on this soon at some point.  They have yet to ask for my screenshots from the issue and i have asked them to take them for their reference.  I would be seeking legal action but the amount is not worth the money spend on representation.  Its sad that it took almost a month to resolve a issue with one of their payment processors. I have asked for transactional logs and i was told that they dont have them.  

Level 2

Quickbooks Checking (GreenDot) has taken my money for over over 17 days - I have ZERO access to my money!

Also, on top of all of this, when Green Dot called they stated my innitial ticket was put in the wrong department and it was in "Limbo" for 3 weeks causing my delay.  Poor handling of technical support and they didnt seem to care as it is effecting my bottom line.  I have advised all my clients to not pay via QB and start sending checks again.

Trick books sucks
Level 1

Quickbooks Checking (GreenDot) has taken my money for over over 17 days - I have ZERO access to my money!

I here ya my friend. When I found over $2300 in fraudulent charges to my Quickbooks checking account so I alerted them and they initially refunded the money then two months later they take that money back out of my account without even notifying me. These guys are total thieves. Nobody should use quickbooks at all

Level 1

Quickbooks Checking (GreenDot) has taken my money for over over 17 days - I have ZERO access to my money!

Day 7 of no access to my funds. No one has answers. Did you guys ever get your money and how the hell did you do it? 

Level 1

Quickbooks Checking (GreenDot) has taken my money for over over 17 days - I have ZERO access to my money!

It seems I'm in a similar predicament as you, with our situation rapidly deteriorating. Despite numerous attempts, I've been unable to reach QuickBooks support. I've clicked on links promising a callback within five minutes, to no avail.


I've also sought assistance through their chat support and even tried reaching out to Green Dot regarding my debit card, which they fail to recognize, blocking my progress past the initial menu to speak with a representative.


While I can withdraw cash from ATMs, I'm unable to access my invoices or customer details, leaving me at a loss for what to do next. Given that I pay QuickBooks approximately $65 monthly, this situation is incredibly frustrating.


I suspect the issue might have originated from an action on my part. After clearing cookies and browsing history on my Chrome browser, my password manager might have logged me into an outdated TurboTax account. It prompted me to update my email or login details, which I believe might be interfering with my current business account.


I had previously raised this concern with a QuickBooks representative over a year ago, hoping to consolidate my logins and past financial data into a single account, but the conversation led nowhere, adding to the confusion.


At this point, after countless calls and attempts to reach out, the exhaustion has set in, and I'm seriously considering moving away from QuickBooks in favor of a traditional, pen-and-paper accounting approach.

Does anyone have any advice or suggestions?

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