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Deadwood Al
Level 6

Help on "Send Forms"

Desktop Pro 2023 ... Email Later.

Fairly new at job, have used QB in the past, but new to Email Later.  For some reason, there are 100+ files waiting to be emailed, and eventually we need to track down why. Meantime however, I want to use Email Later for invoices, but finding it is more complex than it should be (in my mind, anyway).


When I go into Send Forms, the list seems to be sorted alphabetically by name, and they are all check-marked ready to send. However, I only actually want to send (email) the "X" number of them that I just entered. It seems I have to go one-by-one to uncheck them, and (in my mind) it would be far easier to have the option to "Uncheck All" AND the ability to sort by date as well as by name. In this way the user would be able to isolate only those that are REALLY intended to send, and silly me, I always thought that a software system should make things easier instead of harder, to take less time instead of more time.


Perhaps there IS a way to do this and I just haven't seen / found it yet. Can anyone help me with a simplified way of sending emails later?


I know ... an error or something created the problem I'm facing, and if that hadn't happened, this wouldn't be an issue. But people do make mistakes, and perhaps there is some valid reason these are waiting to be sent. But since errors do happen, it would still be worthwhile to have some options like I've described to make things easier / less time consuming for users.  And yes, I do know how to submit enhancement requests to Intuit, but before doing so I wanted to see if there is a way to save time and accomplish what I'm after.


As always, thank you in advance for your help and guidance. I really do appreciate the community and the helpful advice I get from you all.

6 Comments 6
Deadwood Al
Level 6

Help on "Send Forms"

Update: I just did find how to uncheck all of the messages ... a little box near the top that first said some messages couldn't be "sent" because another user is working with them, but after they signed off, it did uncheck all of them. So other than the labeling of that little box, that issue is solved.  Date sorting would still help though,

QuickBooks Team

Help on "Send Forms"

Thank you for visiting the Community today, Deadwood Al.


I'm glad to know that you're able to find a way to uncheck the messages listed on the Send Forms screen. This surely helped save your business time. 


In regard to sorting the date for transactions, you'll have to click the Date column header to change the order in ascending or descending format.sf.png


I can see how beneficial it is for your company to include more options for specifying the date on the Send Forms screen. Let's send this idea directly to our engineers for inclusion in future developments.


Here's how:


  1. Press the Help menu at the top bar to choose Send Feedback Online and Product Suggestions.
  2. In the QuickBooks Feedback window, click the Type of Feedback drop-down to select Product Suggestion.
  3. Pick the Product Area from the drop-down and your feedback in the Here is my suggestion box.
  4. Fill in the remaining fields.
  5. Click Send Feedback.


Feel free to browse these resources to learn more about the process of emailing sales forms and other entries:



You can also perform the solutions in this article in case you encounter email issues in QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT).



Reach out to me again if you have other product concerns or questions about managing forms. I'll jump right back in to assist you further. 

Deadwood Al
Level 6

Help on "Send Forms"

I have clicked on the Date heading, assuming that would re-organize the list in ascending or descending order. However, clicking on the Date heading does absolutely nothing to the list ... it doesn't change the order of the list in any way. I don't know if your system does change the order, or if you just assumed it would, as I did the first time I tried clicking on the date. Unfortunately, either my system doesn't work as it should or, more likely, Intuit design staff never made that as an option in Send Forms. 


If my system should reorganize the sort of the list, please let me know so I can work with QB Tech Support to figure out why my system isn't doing that. Thank you.

QuickBooks Team

Help on "Send Forms"

This isn't the kind of impression that I'd like you to have, @Deadwood Al.


Normally, when clicking the date heading of the send form list in QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) it'll default to the date from the latest to the oldest year or vice versa. This is a work as designed in QBDT.


Please see the screenshot below for visual preferences.



Additionally, for more tips about receiving payments in QBDT, you can open this article: Receive and process payments in QuickBooks Desktop.


On the other hand, here's how you can learn more about the different ways you can track customer transactions in QuickBooks Desktop.


If you have any other follow-up questions about sending forms and sales transactions, please let me know by adding a comment below. I'm always here to help. Have a good one!

Deadwood Al
Level 6

Help on "Send Forms"

I don't know how to say this any differently, but it seems that it isn't being understood someplace ... including maybe me?


When I go into Send Forms, the column for Date does NOT have an arrow or drop down, and I can click on it all day long but it does NOT change the sort order of the list. The list continued to display as it first did when the Send Forms display appeared. I am using Desktop Pro 2023. Does that version not allow re-sorting? I have no idea why my system doesn't allow what I am being told by QuickBooks Employees. I have now been told twice to click on date ... which is what my requested suggestion was in my initial post ... but that is not an option on my system. I wish it was.


Help on "Send Forms"

I appreciate your prompt response, Deadwood. I see that this can be challenging. I'm joining this thread to provide additional information.


Once you access the Send Forms window, you won't find an arrow or dropdown menu initially. 



It only becomes visible when you click on the column header. Let's make sure we pick the column headers to make the arrow visible. 


Then, your QuickBooks Desktop Pro 2023 will let you change the order of names alphabetically and from the most recent to the oldest dates of the transactions. Please see the sample screenshots below.


Name/Send To column:


Date column (ascending/descending):


If your QuickBooks isn't functioning in the same way you can repair your company file using the Rebuild Data tool to address minor issues with your company file data. Here's the process:


  1. Navigate to the File menu. Then, hover your cursor over Utilities and opt for Rebuild Data.
  2. In the QuickBooks Information window, click OK. Follow the on-screen instructions to create a backup
  3. Once the tool completes its task, click OK
  4. Head back to the File menu. Hover over Utilities and choose Verify Data to examine your file for any data-related issues.

I also recommend checking this article for other solutions to fixing issues in your company file: Learn how to fix data damage on your QuickBooks Desktop company file.


Once you're able to do it successfully  and still this choice doesn't align with your actual needs, I strongly suggest providing direct feedback to our product engineers. Kindly follow the steps outlined by my colleague, Rasa-LilaM, above. 


Feel free to add another post below if you have any further questions or need additional information. We're always available to help you. Goodbye for now, and take care!

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