Thank you for visiting the Community today, xuan.
At this time, adding the account and routing numbers to your bank check is not an option. You'll need to use a preprinted paycheck to show this information when you print it.
Feel free to explore the QuickBooks Checks & Supplies page to see the various check types available. You'll find detailed information about the features and prices for each paycheck style.
In case you're looking to update your printing preferences and reprint paychecks and paystubs, the following article will guide you through the process: Print or reprint paychecks and pay stubs.
Perform the solutions in these resources if you're experiencing printing alignment issues with your tax form, pay stubs, and paychecks:
Don't hesitate to visit the Community space if you have any other concerns or questions about printing paychecks or any other payroll matters. I'll be available to provide the support you need, xuan.