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Level 2

Groups for Tags

I went through the initial phase of creating tags, which offered me the option to group. I know how to add, delete, and modify tags, but how do you add another group?



26 Comments 26
QuickBooks Team

Groups for Tags

Hey there, jhanshaw. 


I'm happy to help, here's how to create groups for your tags:

  1. Go to Settings ⚙ and select Tags.
  2. Select the New ▼ dropdown and then Tag group.
  3. Give the group a name.
  4. Select a color from the ▼ dropdown.
  5. When you're done, select Save.

You can find these steps as well as many more at the following link: Tag transactions in QBO


If you have any other questions, feel free to post here anytime. Thank you and have a nice weekend. 

Level 2

Groups for Tags

Tried replying earlier, but I must not be able to reply via email.


I’m not seeing that option - I’m using the self-employed online version. I get the option to create tags, but not groups - just choose from the one group I have. It let me set up that initial group when I created my first tags, but now that option is not there.

QuickBooks Team

Groups for Tags

Hello there, @jhanshaw.


Thank you for providing more information. 

The step above was for QuickBooks Online. Let me show you how to create tags or groups tags in QuickBooks Self-Employed.


Here’s how:


  1. In your QuickBooks, click the Settings gear icon and select Manage tags.
  2. Click Create new tag and thenadd a Tag Name and Group.
  3. Select a color from the dropdown arrow then click Save.


You can use this article for additional reading about tags and groups in QuickBooks: Tags and groups.


Feel free to give us a short reply if you have more questions about Tags. Have a good day!

Level 2

Groups for Tags

It’s just not available to add another group name (see screenshot). It will not allow me to just start typing to add, nor is there an option to add a new group, only choose the one I created (“Clients”) or “Ungrouped,” which will let me choose a color.

QuickBooks Team

Groups for Tags

Allow me to provide some information about the new Tags feature in QuickBooks Self-Employed (QBSE), @jhanshaw.


At this time, we can only create single tags and can be group by color. However, we still need to select them individually when adding into the transactions. You can follow the detailed steps shared by my colleague above to create a new tag.


For now, you can visit our blog site so you'll be able to get the latest news about QuickBooks and what our Product Care Team is working on. 


Please know you can continue to reach me here with any additional questions. Thanks for coming to the Community, wishing you continued success.

Level 1

Groups for Tags

Does not allow you to create a new group. ONLY tags. I created a group when I started to make tags and now I can't add any more groups. Only have 1 group created.


Groups for Tags

Hello there, renewport.


You can create more than one group in QuickBooks Online. Here's how to do it:

  1. Select Banking on the left menu and go to the Tags tab.
  2. Click the New button. You should see there two options; Tag group and Tag.
  3. Select Tag group and set up the details.
  4. Click Done.

You can also do it while creating a transaction. I'll use invoice as an example:

  1. In the Invoice page, click the Manage tags hyperlink.
  2. Click the Create group button.
  3. Enter the necessary details and click Done.

Here are some links that are related to tags and groups:

Feel free to let us know if you need anything else. Have a great day!

Level 1

Groups for Tags

Hi :)

I'm using QuickBooks Self-Employed. I don't have Banking on the left menu and I can't figure out how to add more Group Tags.


When I try to do it on the Manage Tag link it only shows Create a new tab, which lets me create a single tag not a group. There is no Create group button.  


I feel like I must be missing something and I'd just like to make 2 more groups.


Thank you!


Groups for Tags

I appreciate you joining in this thread, LeesJewelryJar.


You can only create single tags and group them by color since the Tag group button is currently unavailable in QuickBooks Self-Employed.


This sounds like a nice thing to have this option. I'll take note of this and add it to our list of ideas. While that feature isn’t currently in our development roadmap, we are working on big improvements that will be helpful for the majority of our customers, and you’ll see those rolling out soon through our QuickBooks Blog.


You might find this article interesting: Categorize transactions in QuickBooks Self-Employed. This will provide you steps on how to manage you transactions using an iPhone, tablet, or Android.


Please know you can continue to reach me here with any additional questions. Thanks for coming to the Community, wishing you continued success.

diana recvandesigns
Level 1

Groups for Tags

Is there a way to UNGROUP tags without losing the info I've already tagged?


Groups for Tags

Welcome to the thread, diana recvandesigns.


Ungrouping tags without affecting the transactions already tagged is currently not an option in QuickBooks Online (QBO). Since once you edit a tag, the transactions under that, will automatically update as well. 


To know more about how the Tag feature works, see below articles: 

I know how the feature you're looking for would be benefecial to your business. While we continue to make your experience with us even better, I recommend visiting our QuickBooks Blog to get the recent news, information about the latest features, and updates in QBO.


If there's anything else I can assist you with, feel free to visit the Community again. We are here for you. Have a nice day.

Level 1

Groups for Tags

I also need to add more than the initial one group I was able to create in my QuickBooks Self-Employed. Seems a little ridiculous that there was the option to create a group. But no further support to create anymore, especially when similar quickbook products include this basic functionality. The accountant I work with was shocked. 

Level 1

Groups for Tags

Right? Like what even is the point? It's like they get us half a fonction. Now i have this stupid group I can't even delete that, but no way to create more. Honestly, I find it insulting,

Level 1

Groups for Tags

That's messed up. It's not like the functionality isn't there... if you can create one group initially, you can certainly create more. PLEASE ADD THE ABILITY TO CREATE MORE GROUPS IMMEDIATELY. 

QuickBooks Team
QuickBooks Team

Groups for Tags

Providing the best experience with the product is what we aim for, mowhitak. 


If you are referring to adding another Tag Groups in QuickBooks Online (QBO), just follow the steps below:

  1. Click the Gear icon on the top menu.
  2. Choose Tags.
  3. Tick the New tab.
  4. Select Tag group.
  5. Give the group a name.
  6. Select a color from the dropdown.
  7. Press Save.

Then, repeat the steps above to create a new Tag Groups. We can add as many tags as you'd like, but you can only choose one tag per tag group. To learn more about this one, see the Tag transactions in QuickBooks Online article. 


If you are referring to selecting multiple tags per tag group, then that option unavailable. If this is something our engineers need to look into, you can submit product suggestions by clicking the Give feedback link on the Tags page. Additionally, you can keep an eye on our QuickBooks Blog to stay up-to-date with the latest news.


To know more about how the Tag feature works, see the articles below: 

Feel free to post again if you have questions about your account. I'll also address other QBO concerns you might have. Have a great day ahead.

Level 2

Groups for Tags





This is INCORRECT there is NO OPTION to create a new group under this tab (see image)

There is NO OPTION under either of those listings to create a new GROUP

No New Group Option.png





Level 2

Groups for Tags

Soooo.... tags are supposed to also provide reporting insights...


how can that be fully, accurately functional when we can deploy groups? There's a preexisting group that can be renamed... why would you guys deploy this feature in such a broken, half-functional manner?


This is not a trivial issue and should be rectified ASAP - this is NOT professional application development.


Either make it functional or remove it.

Level 1

Groups for Tags

Dear QuickBooks team. You are not understanding the issue. Every response in this thread does not answer the question.


I came here with the same question as OP.


There appears to be a fundamental usability flaw/oversight in how Tags and Tag Groups work with QuickBook for Freelancers. Full stop.

Level 1

Groups for Tags

This is incredibly frustrating. We need to be able to create MORE than 1 group... not just a bunch of ungrouped tags!  Please fix.  Julie

Level 1

Groups for Tags

+1 here. As a software dev, this is the most half-assed implementation of a feature I've seen. I don't think allowing customers to group their transactions *in different groups* is too much to ask, even at the lowest-tier of pricing. "Support" Team: this feature *is not* available on QBSE so stop w/ the irrelevant responses, and just pass on the complaints to the appropriate department so they can continue to be ignored further down the chain of incompetence.

Level 1

Groups for Tags

As stated elsewhere in this thread, you are unable to create groups this way in QB Self Employed.


This is made more frustrating because when the wizard first prompts you to create tags, you are offered up several options for groups: Projects, Clients, Contractors, etc. Once you pick one of those groups, you see ONLY that as an option when creating new tags along with "Ungrouped".


I have to believe that Intuit does not give attention to this product like they do the others. For over a year I've used this product and provided feedback but have not seen improvements. Only integrations like Amazon or updates to Quickbooks.


As a long time Mint user, I was excited when Intuit purchased them as I thought more features would come to the product and some of the great UI/UX of Mint would be integrated into Quickbooks products. I was wrong. My excitement has waned. And now, probably much to Intuit's desire, I look at Quickbooks products and buying a PC (currently Mac user) just to use it.

To those that read these forums and feedback, champion customer feedback, take initiative on our behalf please.

QuickBooks Team

Groups for Tags

Hi Vince.


I can see your point and understand the importance of grouping your tags in QuickBooks Self-Employed (QBSE). With QBSE, you can create an ungrouped tag and classify them by colors as suggested by Rose-A above.


  1. Tap on Manage Tags, then Create new tag.
  2. Set a new tag, then pick Ungrouped on the Group section.
  3. Choose a color of the tag created.
  4. Replicate the steps for the other tags.


I'll ensure to send your feedback to our engineers. Rest assured they're working nonstop to enhance the product and deliver the best experiences for all QuickBooks users.


Aside from tags, you can also check out this article for more hints about categorizing your transactions in QBSE: Categorize transactions in QuickBooks Self-Employed.


If you have any other questions about handling tags in QBSE, please notify me by adding a comment below. I'm always here to help. Have a good one!

Level 1

Groups for Tags

Once you delete tag any group created in initial setup, belonging tags willl become ungrouped and options for creating groups will show up.

Level 1

Groups for Tags

Once you delete any tag group created in inital setup, all belonging tags will become ungrouped and option for creating tag groups will show up.

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