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Level 1

Other Payroll Items section of paycheck not applying to Customer:Jobs

Does anyone know how to apply the "other payroll items" section of a paycheck towards a customer/job? There is a column for the customer:job in the earnings section of the paycheck, but not in the other payroll items section. I've verified that the payroll item has the checkbox checked in order to track the expense by job, but I'm still unable to get the "other payroll item" section to apply towards my jobs. Thanks in advance. -Chad

Preview Paycheck Detail.jpg

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QuickBooks Team

Other Payroll Items section of paycheck not applying to Customer:Jobs

Hello, @Chad-T.


We're only able to link a paycheck's line items to a customer or job under the Earnings section. If you wish to, you can add the Employee Advance item under the Earnings section as a bonus. The bonus and addition item have the same tax tracking type which is compensation.


To create a bonus item in QuickBooks Desktop, read this article: Create a bonus payroll item in QuickBooks Desktop Payroll.


I've added these screenshots for your visual reference.

b2 1.PNGb2 2.PNGb2 3.PNG


Tap on me if you have any other questions by adding a comment below. I'm always here to help. Have a good day!

Level 1

Other Payroll Items section of paycheck not applying to Customer:Jobs

The photo was just for reference, it was one that I found off the internet. I guess I should have specified that the other payroll item that I am trying to allocate towards a job is a fringe benefit, which I am required to payout. Fringe benefit is paid out as cash for every hour worked throughout the workweek.


Other Payroll Items section of paycheck not applying to Customer:Jobs

You can add the Fringe Benefit item on the Other Payroll Items section, Chad-T.


The option to assign it on your CUSTOMER:JOB isn't available in QuickBooks. However, we can add it on the paycheck under Other Payroll Items field. Before doing so, we'll have to set up this item first. Let me guide you with these steps:


  1. Select Payroll Item List from the Lists menu.
  2. Click the Payroll Item drop-down and select New.
  3. Select Custom Setup, and then Next.
  4. In the Payroll item type window, select either Company Contribution or Addition.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Enter a name of the item.
  7. Select a payroll liability and an expense account.
  8. Click Next.
  9. In the Tax tracking type window, select Fringe Benefit. Hit Next.
  10. Click Next twice.
  11. Enter a rate.
  12. Click Finish.

Afterwards, you're good to add it on your employee's paycheck. Here's how:


  1. From the Employees menu, select Pay Employees.
  2. Select your employee's name.
  3. Select FRINGE BENEFIT on the Other Payroll Items section.
  4. Fill-out the necessary details.
  5. Click Save & Close.


You can read through create taxable fringe benefits payroll items to know more.


Fill me in if you have additional questions about Fringe Benefit.

Level 1

Other Payroll Items section of paycheck not applying to Customer:Jobs

Thank you for the reply.

So the only place I can add a Fringe Benefit item to a paycheck is under the Other Payroll Items field which doesn't allow me to assign it to a CUSTOMER:JOB.  Is this something that QB will be fixing in the near future? This inability to apply fringe benefits to a job is skewing my job costing numbers.


Other Payroll Items section of paycheck not applying to Customer:Jobs

Hello, Chad-T. Thank you for your quick response.


Yes, we can only add Fringe Benefit on the other payroll item section as what my colleague said.


For now, I cannot say if the option to assign the Fridge benefit item to the Customer: Job is something that our software engineers are now fixing as one of the options in QuickBooks in the future.

I am here to take note and gather all the information you've shared in this thread. I'll ensure to forward these to our engineers. They'll evaluate your suggestion. This way, assigning the Fringe Benefit item on your Customer:Job might be given a chance to be added in the next product updates.


Know that if you ever need anything, the community and I are all here for you. I hope you're good. Take care!

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