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David T1
Level 2

Why is the tax rate on shipping different than on my subtotal?

I noticed that the tax rate on shipping is different than the tax rate on my subtotals when I was investigating why my Sales Receipts from my Online store were not matching my receipts in QBO. The rates should be the same. Can you tell me how to fix this?
3 Comments 3
QuickBooks Team

Why is the tax rate on shipping different than on my subtotal?

Hi there, @David T1.


Are you looking at your printed sales receipts? The total tax amount for the subtotal and shipping is shown on the Tax line. On the Shipping line, you'll see the shipping rate that you manually entered on the sales form.


See the screenshots below for your visual guide.

I'll be adding this handy article as your guide on how to modify the sales tax in QBO: Edit Sales tax.

You can also personalize your invoices and other sales forms to make it more appealing and professional looking.


Visit us again if you need more help about managing your sales tax or anything else related to QuickBooks. The Community has your back.

David T1
Level 2

Why is the tax rate on shipping different than on my subtotal?

I was able to determine that the Subtotal Sales Tax in QBO is being overwritten by MyWorks when it syncs in orders but the the QBO Shipping Sales Tax is not being overwritten.  The shipping is now being imported as a line item which has fixed the issue although it's really just a work around.  


I spent a little over 4 hours deleting payments and invoices so I could fix them.   Please consider adding more batch editing features.  The single biggest issue I have with Quick Books is the lack of batch editing.    I'm referring to almost all areas, not just Payments and Sales Receipts.  For Example, if we decide to raise or lower all of our product prices I have to go into each one and manually do it.  I have a large number of products so this is very time consuming.



Tori B
QuickBooks Team

Why is the tax rate on shipping different than on my subtotal?

Hey there, @David T1


Thanks for following up with us and sharing your suggestions. 


In QuickBooks Online, you can do batch actions on particular things. Such as Transactions, and Products and Services. 





Products and Services:



However, I agree that having the option to edit and delete things from QuickBooks Online in a batch action would be a great feature to include. I have submitted a feedback request on your behalf to our product development team, so this could be included in a future update. 


In the meantime, you can follow all of our latest happenings and track future updates using our Blog Site


Please let me know if there is anything else that I can do for you. Feel free to reach out to the Community at any time. Take care! 

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