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Level 1

Error 1712 and unable to install net framework 4.7 requried

Hi Folks,


Within the last days I started getting errors saying certain services couldn't start and needed .NET Framework 4.7.  I ignored them for the most part, but they were persistent.  Today when I started my QB 2023 Premier Desktop I got a notification I needed to update, with a countdown clock saying I could only ignore this notification a few times.  So I opted to update.  And it failed.  And it failed.  And it failed.  Error 1712.  So I read up on this and download the QB Tool Hub, and even the Tool Hub can't install "BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE NET FRAMEWORK 4.7!"  I've tried going to the Microsoft page and installing net framework 4.7 and get a message saying ".NET Framework 4.7 or later update is already installed on this computer".  Ugh!  I'm in a vicious circle here.  I have no Quickbooks system on my machine anymore (my data file is safe as I backed it up before updating).  Can someone please help?  This is a Windows 10 system, version 22H2 OS Build [removed] 64 bit trying to run the latest QB Desktop Premier 2023.  Thanks much. 

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QuickBooks Team

Error 1712 and unable to install net framework 4.7 requried

Let's make sure to fix the error so you can work with QuickBooks Desktop again, Nyc.


QuickBooks Desktop uses Microsoft programs to run web-based apps. One of them is Microsoft .NET Framework. If you're experiencing issues when opening or installing QuickBooks, you can follow the steps outlined below.


Step 1: Download The QuickBooks Tool Hub


  1. Close QuickBooks.
  2. Download the most recent version ( of the QuickBooks Tool Hub. Save the file somewhere you can easily find it (like your Downloads folder or your Windows desktop). Note: If you've installed Tool Hub before, you can find out which version you have. Select the Home tab.  The version will be on the bottom.
  3. Open the file you downloaded (QuickBooksToolHub.exe).
  4. Follow the on-screen steps to install and agree to the terms and conditions.
  5. When the installation finishes, double-click the icon on your Windows desktop to open the tool hub.


Note: If you can't find the icon, do a search in Windows for QuickBooks Tool Hub and select the program.



Step 2: Use the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool.


  1. Open the QuickBooks Tool Hub.
  2. In the tool hub, select Installation Issues.
  3. Select QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool. Let the tool run. It can take up to 20 minutes.
  4. When the tool finishes, restart your computer.

However, if you're still getting the same issue, proceed to Solution 2 of this article: Fix Microsoft .NET Framework Errors When You Install QuickBooks Desktop.


Furthermore, you may be experiencing issues with Microsoft .NET Framework, I've got this article so you'll how to fix this: Manually Fix Microsoft .NET Framework Errors.


Reach out to us if you have any other concerns with QuickBooks. Remember, we're here to make sure everything is taken care of.

Level 1

Error 1712 and unable to install net framework 4.7 requried

Hi, thanks, but you didn’t read my post all the way. I CAN’T run tool hub because of the NET Framework issue. When I try to run tool hub I get the error NET Framework 4.7 required. So when I go to install NET Framework 4.7 I get a windows error saying a more current version is installed!! And I can’t install 4.7 I’m stuck!!  Please help 

QuickBooks Team

Error 1712 and unable to install net framework 4.7 requried

Hi there, nycnorton. We hear your sentiments and understand how runtime issues will impact the utilization of your QuickBooks Desktop. Please know that we value your time and appreciate your troubleshooting efforts to resolve your concern. 


We'd be pleased to provide you with additional details and processes on how you can fix the issue. Let's proceed with updating your windows. This prevents and often fixes install errors. Here's how:


  1. Check out Windows Update: FAQ on how to update your version of Windows from Microsoft.
  2. Restart your computer once the update finishes.
  3. If you could open QuickBooks before you saw the error, Open QuickBooks and your company file.
  4. If you weren't able to install QuickBooks, install QuickBooks Desktop again.


If the QuickBooks Install Tool and the update didn’t fix the error, you can repair specific Windows components yourself. You can reach out to Microsoft support experts if you need guidance. Check out these articles for your resources:



Moreover, if the problem continues to exist after performing the instructions above, I would suggest contacting our QuickBooks Desktop Support Team so they can investigate your account and determine the root cause of the issue. They have the necessary tools to help you further.


You can also check out these articles for your reference in managing your data and credentials moving forward:



Don't be reluctant to return to the Community space if you have other QuickBooks concerns. We're always here to assist you at any time of the day. Keep safe, nycnorton!

Level 1

Error 1712 and unable to install net framework 4.7 requried

No...nothing that's been listed here has helped me.  I'm not sure why suddenly quickbooks is looking for net framework.  I have the 3.5 and up installed, as well as the 4.8 and up installed.  But QB keeps asking for 4.0 and 4.7.  I tried uninstalling and reinstalling net framework and windows tells me these reinstalls were successful. I can't even load the QB tool hub!  And the QB 2023 install stops when it's loading fonts and reverts back to nothing.  I'm stuck!


Error 1712 and unable to install net framework 4.7 requried

Hi, nycnorton. I understand the frustration you may have experienced when encountering the error, and I appreciate and recognize the time and effort you have put into resolving it.


I will offer further instructions to address the issue and ensure we work together to find a resolution.


You can add or create a Windows user with Admin rights to make the necessary changes and configurations so QuickBooks Desktop runs seamlessly.


If you use QuickBooks Desktop in multi-user mode, you need to log in to Windows as a user with admin permission. This allows you to modify settings, such as firewall configurations and folder permissions, and privileges to programs like Database Server Manager. 


You can check this article for the step-by-step process to create Windows users and give them admin rights from Microsoft: Windows 10.


After creating Windows users, proceed to Step 2: Give admin access to QuickBooks programs in this link. Create Windows users and give them administrator rights. Granting admin access to QuickBooks programs ensures proper control, security, and customization of the software.


I will leave this thread open in case you require additional help regarding this issue. The Community is here to guide you every step of the way.

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